If you're about to undertake a course of anxiety therapy, you should start with the Swedish baths. One of the finest exemplary bath is located in Malmo and called Ribersborgs kallbadhus. It's literally situated in the sea, with both the facade and interior remarkably Swedish in aesthetic. Equality desired by the progressive part of mankind comes true right here.
Here we are, in a crowded steam room: men and women, naked or draped, of different races and ages, touching one another as the space for movement is scarce. And we endure these 70 to 80 degrees Celsius, breathing regularly and sweating profusely. I am a human being, and so are the others. We're not the same, but we're equal. There are amphitheatrical benches with windows overlooking the sea, much better than any TV programme, I shall say. If you're lucky enough, you may even witness the process of pouring an oil-potlicker over the stones. The ten-minute show with towel flailing has an interesting outset and a gorgeous finale. By the end of the show you're almost dying, deafened by your own heartbeat. And then it's a high time for girls and boys to go seperate ways: down the stairs and into the arctic-cold sea. In the buff, obviously. With the feeling of rebirth comes the awareness of one's fleshliness and potency.